The rules of volleyball can be found here:
Example Ably LiveAccess URL:
This document describes the V2 Volleyball match state contract.
Match Summary Message
The Summary message summarises the major match events into a single, easily digested message.
Element | Type | Description |
FixtureId | Integer | An immutable identifier for the event |
CustomerId | Integer | An immutable identifier for the customer |
StartedAtUtc | DateTime, optional | The time that the match started if the match has started, Null otherwise |
FinishedAtUtc | DateTime, optional | The time that the match finished, if the match has finished, Null otherwise |
TeamA | Team | An object describing TeamA |
TeamB | Team | An object describing TeamB |
CurrentServer | TeamIdentifier, optional | An enum that describes the team that is currently serving. Possible values are: |
MatchScore | MatchScore | An object that describes the current match score |
MatchStatus | MatchStatus | An enum that describes the current state of the match. Possible values are: NotStarted |
SanctionStatus | SanctionStatus | An enum describing the current sanction status. Possible values: |
IsReliable | Boolean | True if the data values are reliable, False otherwise |
MessageTimestampUtc | DateTime | The time that the message was generated |
An object that describes a team. The Id and Name will match the information provided in Fixture; Jersey is provided only here.
Element | Type | Description |
Id | String | The team's identifier |
Name | String | The name of the team |
Jersey | Jersey | An object that describes the team's jersey |
An object that describes a team's jersey.
Element | Type | Description |
Color1 | Color | An object describing the primary colour of the team's jersey |
Color2 | Color | An object describing the secondary colour of the team's jersey |
PantsColor | Color | An object describing the colour of the team's pants |
SocksColor | Color | An object describing the colour of the team's socks |
JerseyDesign | JerseyDesign | An enum describing the design of the team's jersey. Possible values include: |
An object that describes the current match score.
Element | Type | Description |
ScoreInSets | Score | An object that describes the current score in sets |
ScoreInPoints | Score | An object that describes the score of the current set in points |
An object that describes a score.
Element | Type | Description |
TeamA | Integer | TeamA's score |
TeamB | Integer | TeamA's score |
Match Details Message
The Details message provides details of every action that has taken place in a match.
Element | Type | Description |
FixtureId | Integer | An immutable identifier for the event |
CustomerId | Integer | An immutable identifier for the customer |
StartedAtUtc | DateTime, optional | The time that the match started if the match has started, Null otherwise |
FinishedAtUtc | DateTime, optional | The time that the match finished if the match has finished, Null otherwise |
TeamA | Team | An object describing TeamA |
TeamB | Team | An object describing TeamB |
CurrentServer | TeamIdentifier, optional | An enum that describes the team that is currently serving. Possible values are: |
Match | Match | An object that describes events within the match |
MatchStatus | MatchStatus | An enum that describes the current state of the match. |
SanctionStatus | SanctionStatus | An enum describing the current sanction status. |
IsReliable | Boolean | True if the data values are reliable, False otherwise |
MessageTimestampUtc | DateTime | The time in UTC at which the message was generated |
IsCoverageCancelled | Boolean | True if coverage has been cancelled, false otherwise |
CoverageCancelledAtUtc | DateTime, optional | The datetime at which coverage was cancelled. |
The Match object describes the current score and provides a complete match history.
Element | Type | Description |
Sets | Set | An array of Set objects |
ScoreInSets | Score | The current score in sets |
Kills | Score | The number of kills by each team |
Blocks | Score | The number of blocks by each team |
Outs | Score | The number of outs by each team |
Aces | Score | The number of aces by each team |
Errors | Score | The number of errors by each team |
ServiceErrors | Score | The number of points won due to opponent's service errors for each team |
Penalties | Score | The number of penalties by each team |
Explusions | Explusion | An array of objects describing explusions |
Disqualifications | Disqualification | An object that describes disqualification events |
MatchWinner | TeamIdentifier, optional | The team that won the match if the match has ended |
StartedAtUtc | DateTime, optional | The time that the match started if the match has started, Null otherwise |
FinishedAtUtc | DateTime, optional | The time that the match finished if the match has finished, Null otherwise |
IsConfirmedComplete | Boolean | True if match is complete, False otherwise |
A collection of objects detailing actions in a set.
Element | Type | Description |
SetNumber | Integer | The set described this this Set object |
Points | Point | An array of point objects detailing the points played so far in this set |
ScoreInPoints | Score | An object that describes the score of the current set in points |
RequestedTimeOuts | Score | An object that describes the number of timeouts requested by each team |
SetWinner | TeamIdentifier, optional | Indicates which team won the set if the set is complete, Null otherwise |
IsGoldenSet | Boolean | True if this set is a golden set, False otherwise (Not currently covered, always sent false) |
StartedAtUtc | DateTime, optional | The time that the match started if the match has started, Null otherwise |
FinishedAtUtc | DateTime, optional | The time that the match finished if the match has finished, Null otherwise |
IsConfirmedComplete | Boolean | Indicates which team served the first point |
A collection of objects describing a point.
Element | Type | Description |
PointNumber | Integer | The number of the point being described |
IsInSequence | Boolean | True if the point is in sequence, false otherwise |
PointType | PointType | An enum that describes the point type. Possible values are: |
IsConfirmedComplete | Boolean | True if the point has been confirmed, false otherwise |
Server | TeamIdentifier | The team that is currently serving |
StartedAtUtc | DateTime, optional | The time at which the point started. Null if this information is not available. |
Winner | TeamIdentifier, optional | The team that won the point if the point is complete, Null otherwise |
WonAtUtc | DateTime, optional | The time at which the point was won if the point is complete and the information is available, Null otherwise |
ScoreWhenPointStarted | MatchScore | The match score at the time that the point began |
An object that describes an expulsion within a Volleyball match.
Element | Type | Description |
SetNumber | Integer | The set within which the expulsion occurred. |
OccurredAt | TimeSpan | The match time at which the expulsion occurred. |
Team | TeamIdentifier, optional | The team for which the expulsion was given. |
An object that describes a disqualification within a Volleyball match.
Element | Type | Description |
SetNumber | Integer | The set within which the disqualification occurred. |
OccurredAt | TimeSpan | The match time at which the disqualification occurred. |
Team | TeamIdentifier, optional | The team that was disqualified. |
Swagger integration |
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"#/components/schemas/Betgenius.Sports.Volleyball.Contracts.TeamIdentifier" } }, "additionalProperties": false }, "Betgenius.Sports.Volleyball.Contracts.Granularity.MatchGranularity": { "type": "object", "properties": { "scoreInSets": { "type": "boolean" }, "kills": { "type": "boolean" }, "blocks": { "type": "boolean" }, "outs": { "type": "boolean" }, "aces": { "type": "boolean" }, "errors": { "type": "boolean" }, "serviceErrors": { "type": "boolean" }, "penalties": { "type": "boolean" }, "blockOuts": { "type": "boolean" }, "expulsions": { "type": "boolean" }, "disqualifications": { "type": "boolean" }, "matchWinner": { "type": "boolean" }, "startedAtUtc": { "type": "boolean" }, "finishedAtUtc": { "type": "boolean" }, "setsGranularity": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Betgenius.Sports.Volleyball.Contracts.Granularity.SetsGranularity" } }, "additionalProperties": false }, "Betgenius.Sports.Volleyball.Contracts.Granularity.PointsGranularity": { "type": "object", "properties": { "server": 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