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Odds Feed Ingestion API is a push API allowing customers to integrate Fixtures and Odds Feed data with Genius Sports. Inserting data into our system allows us to match the equivalent data of both parties.
Use Cases
For authorization customer need to obtain a valid API token using Auth0 clientId, client secret and an API key. To acquire Auth0 clientId, client secret and an API key please contact
Response contains the token in the access_token
The Odds Feed Ingestion API includes an endpoint for heartbeats ( ). While it is not obligatory to use, it is a useful feature to have. The absence of heartbeats will not automatically invalidate markets, even if heartbeats are integrated. If you also have our Betvision product integrated this feature will ensure that BetVision displays accurate prices and markets that are not suspended.
Please consult Swagger for more information on this.
Source Fixtures
Sending new fixtures
A new fixture is created using the ‘SourceFixtures’ POST endpoint.
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Updating an existing fixture
Updating an existing fixture must happen in cases where there has been a significant change to it. For instance:
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Please do not change the SourceFixtureId when making updates. |
Invalidating existing fixtures
A Fixture can be invalidated using the ‘SourceFixtures' DELETE endpoint. This will not actually delete the fixture, but mark it as 'Unavailable’, so that downstream consumers of this data are aware it is not relevant.
The expected parameters are sourceId and sourceFixtureId.
Querying what information has been sent for a specific fixture
In case a user of the API is interested what fixtures data has been pushed, he can use the 'SourceFixtures' GET endpoint.
The expected parameters are sourceId and sourceFixtureId.
Source Markets
In most cases market updates must be done when the price of any of the selections has changed. The API allows other fields to be changed as well (new selection, handicap boolean, selection name, etc.), but these should be rather fixed and rarely updated.
Sending new markets
A new market (event) is sent using the ‘SourceMarkets’ POST endpoint.
The endpoint expects three mandatory parameters:
sourceId - unique customer id provided by Genius Sports
sourceMarketId - this is the source market Id (provided the integrating team)
Body of the request, with the following mandatory fields:
sourceFixtureId - the event id provided by the integrating team.
name - name of the market (e.g. 'Money Line')
isHandicap - indicates whether this is a handicap market or not
selections, with the following mandatory fields:
id - this is the source id of the selection.
name - the source name of the selection (e.g. ‘Over', ‘Under’, ‘Home competitor name’, ‘Away competitor name', 'Draw’, etc.)
Handicap Markets
Separate handicap markets should be created for each handicap line.
One market for -0.5/+0.5, one market for -1.5/+1.5, etc.
About handicap markets, It's also important the selections to have the handicap property set
Updating market prices
If a price update of an existing market must be made, the POST endpoint should be used. The value that must be changed is the 'price' field, which is part of the selection.
Each selection has its own price, thus you need to make sure to pass the correct selection Id and Name, so that the correct selection price is updated.
Suspending a market
In the case where bets are not accepted temporarily for a market, the state of the market can be marked as ‘Suspended'. Once the market is open to accept bets once again, a new update should be made to remove the 'suspended state’.
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Invalidating an existing market
In addition to suspending a market, the user can also invalidate it using the ‘SourceMarkets' DELETE endpoint. This will not actually delete the market, but mark it as ‘Unavailable’, so that the downstream consumers of this data are aware its data is not relevant and shouldn’t be used.
The expected parameters are sourceId and sourceMarketId.
Suspending a selection
There is also the option to suspend only a specific selection in a market, if there’s a good reason for that. Such update should be rather rare, because most time the whole market would be suspended.
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Querying what information was sent for a specific market
In case a user of the API is interested what market data has been sent, he can use the 'SourceMarkets' GET endpoint.
The expected parameters are sourceId and sourceMarketId.
You can find sample calls and and further technical info from the swagger link below:
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