Genius Sports Integration Documents
Please find the integrations documents below:
- Genius Sports Products - This section describes the products that are available for customers to integrate as well FAQ's and select sport-specific comments
- Back-End Integrations - This general section contains the following:
- Integration Schema - Describes the technology available for customers wishing to integrate and consume our Sports Data Services products
- Understanding Match State - Detailed match state services are offered for the InPlay sports described in this documentation whilst basic match state services are offered for sports covered under the MultiSport umbrella. The message contracts and the service features are described in detail
- Booking API - Genius Sports provides a booking service to allow you to book fixtures programmatically. Fixtures can be booked through either the API or the InPlay UI and bookings in either service will be reflected in the other
- Fixture API - Genius Sports offers an API to retrieve fixture information before the event booking. Customers can retrieve event ID's, participants, competition information and so forth
- Front-End Integrations: This general section contains the following:
- Video-Streaming D&P integration and Video-Streaming API integration - Description for the integration of the video streaming product
- Game Trackers Integrations - This page describes the GameTrackers product (next generation of the Scorecentre match visualisation service) and its integration methodology
- Additional Files and Examples - Necessary contracts, examples and information to provide the means of starting an integration
- External Integrations - Information pertaining external integrations that allow your data to be returned within Genius Sports product feeds
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