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Version | Old Version 13 | New Version 14 |
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The rules of tennis can be found here:
- International Tennis Federation:
Note |
Note: rules can vary between competitions. |
Anchor | ||||
The summary message summarises the major match events into a single, easily digested message.
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{ "Source":Betgenius, "BetgeniusFixtureId":3415011, "SourceFixtureId":null, "BookmakerId":6002, "CompetitorA":{}, "CompetitorB":{}, "IsReliable":true, "IsScoreConfirmed":True, "StateOfPlay":"BetweenPoints", "Server":"CompetitorA", "Match":{}, "StartedAt":"2015-10-01T15:15:40.951Z", "FinishedAt":null, "MessageTimestampUtc":"2015-10-01T15:15:44.955Z" } |
Element | Type | Description |
Source | String | The source of the data, typically the name of the company analysing the match |
BetgeniusFixtureId | Integer | An immutable identifier for the fixture |
SourceFixtureId | String | The fixture ID used by the data source if data source is not Betgenius |
BookmakerId | Integer | An immutable identifier for the customer |
CompetitorA | CompetitorDetails | An object that describes Competitor A |
CompetitorB | CompetitorDetails | An object that describes Competitor B |
IsReliable | Boolean | True if the data values are reliable, False otherwise |
IsScoreConfirmed | Boolean | True if this score has been confirmed, False otherwise |
StateOfPlay | MatchStatus | An enum describing the current state of play. Values: |
Server | CompetitorIdentifier | An object that indicates which competitor is serving |
Match | Match | An object that describes the match score |
StartedAt | DateTime, optional | The UTC time that the fixture started, if complete; null otherwise |
FinishedAt | DateTime, optional | The UTC time that the fixture ended, if complete; null otherwise |
MessageTimestampUtc | DateTime | The UTC time that the message is sent |
Describes a player in a tennis match.
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{ "Id":"6546872", "Name":"Andy Murray" } |
Element | Type | Description |
Id | String | An immutable ID for the player |
Name | String | The name of the player |
Describes the current score in a tennis match.
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{ "MatchScore":{}, "IsMatchComplete":false, "IsDataComplete":true, "Sets":{}, "Statistics":{} } |
Element | Type | Description |
MatchScore | Score | An object that describes the score in sets, games and points |
IsMatchComplete | Boolean | True if the match is complete, false otherwise |
IsDataComplete | Boolean | True if the data is complete, false otherwise |
Sets | Set | An array of set objects |
Statistics | CompetitorStatistics | An object holding statistics for each competitor |
Describes the score in a set of a tennis match.
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{ "SetNumber":1, "SetScore":{}, "IsSetComplete":true, "IsDataComplete":true, "SetType":Advantage, "Games":{}, "Statistics":{}, "TieBreakStartsAt":1 } |
Element | Type | Description |
SetNumber | Short | The number of the set within the match |
SetScore | Score | The set score in games |
IsSetComplete | Boolean | True if the set is complete, false otherwise |
IsDataComplete | Boolean | True if the data is complete, false otherwise |
SetType | SetType | An enum indicating the rules that will determine how the set winner will be decided if the score reaches 6-6. Values: |
Games | Game | An array of game objects detailing the outcome of individual games |
Statistics | CompetitorStatistics | An object holding statistics for each competitor |
TieBreakStartsAt | Integer | Null or an integer, defines the number of tied games (6-6,10-10,12-12) required for the tiebreak to start in this specific set. Example, if the tie break starts at 6-6 the value is 6 If tie break is not used, the value is set to null |
Contains statistics about a players performance within the set or match.
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{ "Competitor":{}, "FirstServeAces":2, "FirstServePointsWonByServer":4, "FirstServePointsWonByReceiver":4, "SecondServeAces":0, "SecondServeFaults":0, "SecondServePointsWonByServer":0, "SecondServePointsWonByReceiver":0, "BreakPointsFaced":0, "BreakPointsLost":0 } |
Element | Type | Description |
Competitor | CompetitorIdentifier | An array describing the competitor to whom these statistics apply |
FirstServeAces | Short | The number of aces awarded to the player from their first serve |
FirstServePointsWonByServer | Short | The number of points won by the server on their first serve |
FirstServerPointsWonByReceiver | Short | The number of points won by the receiver from the server's first serve |
SecondServeAces | Score | The number of aces awarded to the player from their second serves |
SecondServeFaults | Short | The number of double faults committed by the player |
SecondServePointsWonByServer | Short | The number of points won by the server on their second server |
SecondServePointsWonByReceiver | Short | The number of points won by the receiver on the server's second server |
BreakPointsFaced | Short | The number of break points faced by the competitor |
BreakPointsLost | Short | The number of break points lost by the competitor |
Describes the score in a game of a tennis match.
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{ "GameNumber":1, "GameScore":{}, "IsGameComplete":true, "IsDataComplete":true, "GameType":Standard, "Points":{} } |
Element | Type | Description |
GameNumber | Short | The number of the game within the set |
GameScore | Score | The game score in points and in standard tennis format |
IsGameComplete | Boolean | True if the game is complete, false otherwise |
IsDataComplete | Boolean | True if the data is complete, false otherwise |
GameType | GameType | An enum indicating how the winner of the game will be decided if the score reaches 40-40. Values: |
Points | Point | An array of point objects detailing the outcome of individual points |
Describes the score in a game of a tennis match.
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{ "DisplayCompetitorOneScore":"30", "DisplayCompetitorTwoScore":"40", "CompetitorOneScore":2, "CompetitorTwoScore":3, } |
Element | Type | Description |
DisplayCompetitorOneScore | String | Competitor One's score in standard tennis nomenclature. Values for normal game: |
DisplayCompetitorTwoScore | String | Competitor Two's score in standard tennis nomenclature. Values for normal game: |
CompetitorOneScore | Short | A count of points scored by Competitor One |
CompetitorTwoScre | Short | A count of points scored by Competitor Two |
Describes a point in a game of a tennis match.
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The number of the point within the game
An object that indicates which competitor is serving
True if Point is in sequence, false otherwise
True if the data is complete, false otherwise
A collection of point actions describing the history of the point
Describes a point in a game of a tennis match.
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} |
The type of point action. Values
The time in UTC at which the action was recorded by the Umpire
Anchor | ||||
Tennis match details messages provide the same kind of data as summaries do, however a full timeline of the event is kept available within any given message.
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{ "Source":Betgenius, "BetgeniusFixtureId":3415011, "SourceFixtureId":null, "BookmakerId":6002, "CompetitorA":{}, "CompetitorB":{}, "IsReliable":true, "IsScoreConfirmed":True, "StateOfPlay":"BetweenPoints", "Server":"CompetitorA", "Match":{}, "MessageTimestampUtc":"2015-10-01T15:15:44.955Z" } |
Element | Type | Description |
Source | String | The source of the data, typically the name of the company analysing the match |
BetgeniusFixtureId | Integer | An immutable identifier for the fixture |
SourceFixtureId | String | The fixture ID used by the data source if data source is not Betgenius |
BookmakerId | Integer | An immutable identifier for the customer |
CompetitorA | CompetitorDetails | An object that describes Competitor A |
CompetitorB | CompetitorDetails | An object that describes Competitor B |
IsReliable | Boolean | True if the data values are reliable, False otherwise |
IsScoreConfirmed | Boolean | True if this score has been confirmed, False otherwise |
StateOfPlay | MatchStatus | An enum describing the current state of play. Values: |
Server | CompetitorIdentifier | An object that indicates which competitor is serving |
Match | Match | An object that describes the match score |
MessageTimestampUtc | DateTime | The UTC time that the message is sent |
Describes a point in a game of a tennis match.
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Element | Type | Description |
PointNumber | Short | The number of the point within the game |
Server | CompetitorIdentifer | An object that indicates which competitor is serving |
IsInSequence | Boolean | True if Point is in sequence, false otherwise |
IsDataComplete | Boolean | True if the data is complete, false otherwise |
Actions | PointAction | A collection of point actions describing the history of the point |
Describes a point in a game of a tennis match.
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} |
Element | Type | Description |
ActionType | PointActionType | The type of point action. Values |
TimestampUtc | Datetime | The time in UTC at which the action was recorded by the Umpire |