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This section describes the technologies available for customers wishing to integrate with Genius Sports Betbuilder product. It explains the overall architecture, integration points and requirements. Although Betbuilder is an independent product, the back end requests follow the same pattern and re-use the same data contracts with the Genius Sports price feed. Therefore, this document should be read in conjunction with Integration Schema, which describes the price feed in detail.
Multibet Overview
Multibet is a service service provided purely by Genius Sports, which allows "building" multiple selection bets within the same in-play event. Multibet comes with a customizable widget that can be embedded into desktop / mobile websites and betting applications.
Multibet currently supports Football, NFL American Football with other major sports in the pipeline.
If you have already integrated Betbuilder in the past - you have already completed most of the work to support Multibet. You will only need embed the new widget and support two new market types, which follow the same logic as the Betbuilder ones that you are already familiar with.