Property | Type | Required | Explanation |
sportId | string (100) | RequiredOptional | Unique Genius Sports identifier for the sport. It needs to be unique for the entire service per bookmaker. |
sportName | string (200) | RequiredOptional | Genius Sports sport name. |
competitionId | string (100) | RequiredOptional | Unique Genius Sports identifier for competition. It needs to be unique for the entire service per bookmaker. |
competitionName | string (200) | RequiredOptional | Genius Sports competition name. |
fixtureId | string (100) | RequiredOptional | Unique Genius Sports identifier for the fixture. It needs to be unique for the entire service per bookmaker. |
fixtureName | string (200) | RequiredOptional | Genius Sports fixture name. |
fixtureStartTimeUTC | DateTime | RequiredOptional | Genius Sportd fixture start time. Please use the format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffffZ". Details are here. |
marketId | string (500) | RequiredOptional | Unique Genius Sports identifier for the market. It needs to be unique for the entire service per bookmaker. |
marketName | string (200) | RequiredOptional | Genius Sports market name. |
selectionId | string (200) | Required | Unique Genius Sports identifier for the outcome of the market. It needs to be unique for the entire service per bookmaker. |
selectionName | string (200) | RequiredOptional | Genius Sports selection name. |