SIS Esports content runs through the Inplay Manager, and is delivered using the integration service, formatted for Optima, which is used for both service ID 6260 and ID 6284.
We would need to know whether you're going to be taking SIS Esports for both of your services with us or just one of them.
For streaming, you have a running integration on service with the ID 6284, however for ID 6260, there isn't an integration at this time. Therefore if you wish to have streaming for 6260 as well, we will need to manage an integration for it.
For Match State, SIS Esports uses the MultiSport match state contract, detailed here: Multi Sport V2 (search for SIS to find the Football and Basketball entries). Please note that you do not have a Multisport AMQP queue with us at this time, therefore creating and connecting to one (or two, if you're taking SIS on both services) will require Genius to set the queues and for your platform then to connect a consumer onto the queue(s).
SIS Esports uses a new set of markets for Inplay, which we can probably be certain of, are not mapped at this time on the Optima platform. However, as we are still actively engaged in adding new markets, it's probably prudent to hold off on mapping effort until you're ready to begin the integration and hit the active phase. We will then provide you with a document that details all the markets that are available for Football and Basketball under SIS Esports.”
The SIS eSports PreMatch prices are being sent via our InPlay product, it should all work the same but prices will be sent 3 hours earlier, as opposed to when the fixture starts.