"id": 18784,"name": "eSoccer H2H GG League Mixed"
"id": 18783, "name": "eBasketball H2H GG League Mixed
We can provide events via eSports for you to map to the specific sports, or we can provide them to you as ‘Football’ or ‘Basketball’ Sport ID's as opposed to eSports ID’s. Then the events should be displayed within football/basketball on the customer facing sites and listed as e-football/e-basketball respectively. For Match State, SIS Esports uses the MultiSport match state contract, detailed here: Multi Sport V2 (search for SIS to find the Football and Basketball entries).
The SIS eSports PreMatch prices are being sent via our InPlay product as well, it would all work the same but prices will be sent 3 hours earlier, as opposed to when the fixture starts.
Our market offering for SIS eSports can be found from here:View file name BetGenius Market Names.xlsx View file name NBA 2K and EA Sports FC Market Types.xlsx
One of the files carries the generic market information such as the names and IDs, while the other provides additional notes on the market and selection margins.
As a customer you would need to set up two different designated templates for each of the Sports - one for NBA2K and one for EA Sports FC. Please also note that:a) you are expected to map the games under basketball and football as sports although you would be receiving events from us and booking those through Esports category
b) we recommend you have all the competitions from SIS autobooked
c) from the Streaming perspective, SIS streaming fixtures would be autobooked for you, therefore you will not see an option to book the streaming game in the data services console
How many fixtures are available with early pricing
9am-5pm this week (12th-19th ) for both eSoccer & eBasketball. We will gradually be ramping up to 24/7. Will come back with more detail after this soft launch week
How will customers know which fixtures
Customers will see the offer under Sports or eSports on the main page
How early will the pricing be
Games in the timeframe will be available with prematch 30 minutes before kick off. Again this will be increasing over time to one hour and eventually two hours. Will come back with more detail
Are all the markets supported from inplay
The same markets will be offered that are displayed on in play up early (progresscode E)
If you require additional information on anything from SIS side, please contact ServiceManagement@sis.tv
Once you are ready to go live, we will also need an email address to which SIS can send out notifications about schedule changes of fixture deletions.