Integration Process

Integration Process

All integration projects proceed through the same basic steps but the time taken to complete each project varies according to the complexity of the downstream systems and the resource available to work on the project. The main steps of the process, which are common to all projects regardless of the type of Integration Service deployed, are outlined below.

Step 1: Deployment of a Receiver

Whichever type of integration you require (OpenBet, Evenue or V3) the first step in the process is for you to deploy the service to which we will push update messages. You will deploy and/or configure your service in your test/development environment so that it will accept our messages and then you will supply to us the details of your service, for example:

  • URL
  • Documentation, WSDL or similar (if appropriate)
  • Username and password (if required)

We will test the receiver to confirm that we can access the service and that it responds as expected.

If you are planning on setting up your receiver so that you would like us to connect to a specific port, then please contact our Customer Integration team before doing so, so that we can confirm whether we are able to use the port you are planning on using.

If you have an OpenBet trading platform you will create user accounts on your test/development environment's instances of Feed Handler and dbPublish/OxiProp. You will then give us both sets of account credentials and the URLs for the services. If you wish us to send updates to more than one test environment you will need to repeat this step for each of your environments.

If you use Evenue you will create an account on your test/development environment's instance and send us the account credentials and the URL. 
If you are consuming our V3 XML or JSON Integration Service you will deploy a data receiver capable of receiving HTTP POST's. You will need to be able to receive two types of messages from us: ProcessMessage and Heartbeat (as described above, V3 Integration Service – Interface).

Step 2: Deployment of the Integration Service

Once the receiving application is available we will deploy a matching integration service in our test/development environment (known as "UAT"). This service will generate the heartbeat and send appropriately formatted update messages so that you receive the information generated by our products. This step usually takes less than a day but is dependent on the availability of your receiving application; resolving customer network and firewall issues can sometimes be challenging.

Step 3: Configure and Test the System

We will configure the Integration Service and UAT environment to deliver the contracted products and then verify that heartbeats and update messages can be delivered to your endpoint. We will then create user accounts for the relevant products and forward the credentials them to your team. This step usually takes one or two working days.

Step 4: Customer Development and Testing

You will now have full access to the contracted services and you will be able to complete your development and testing process. We will provide technical assistance and advice throughout this period.
If you have an OpenBet or Evenue/MM2 trading platform then this phase will be limited to testing that you can receive the necessary update messages. The mechanics of delivering data to OpenBet's FeedHandler and Evenue are well established and, barring novel requirements that might be specific to your solution, this process should be straightforward. 
If you are consuming our standard XML schema you will now need to handle the message types described in the section called Integration Service. In essence, this phase of the project requires you to understand the Updategrams so that you can map their contents to your event and market management procedures. The Updategrams have been designed to contain all the information you might need so it should be straightforward to identify the incoming data objects, map them to your own and then insert the data into your trading platform.

Step 5: Deployment to Production

Once your development is complete, we will deploy the service to our production environment. To enable us to begin delivering messages we will need from you the details of the receiver service you will have deployed in your production environment.
As part of this step we will create for you all the user accounts you might need to operate the service. You will need to supply the names and email addresses of everyone within your organisation who requires access to the system.

Services will be deployed to production only when your testing is complete and you are ready to launch the service to your customers.

Step 6: InPlay Performance Testing

If you are taking the InPlay service, we strongly advise that you include in your testing programme a series of performance tests to ensure that your service can handle the expected load. We use a test harness to simulate a production load so that you can check that your services perform as expected.

The performance test consists of creating dummy events and markets within your trading platform in volumes that ideally exceed your expectations for peak match concurrency. For example, if you expect to offer 100 football matches and 10 tennis matches at peak we would advise that you conduct a performance test with at least 150 football matches and 20 tennis matches. This should allow you to identify any bottlenecks in your system so that they can be addressed before launch.
We suggest that you plan to run at least one performance test using your expected maximum match concurrency plus 50-100% to account for further sports and events that you might begin taking with Genius in the future. During these tests, you will need to monitor your services and be able to identify slow or under-performing components. Once the test is complete you may need to make changes to your services or architecture; we can then arrange to run further tests to prove that the changes have had the desired effect.

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