Football Match Events V1 (old)
- 1 Feed Match Event
- 2 Feed Match Action
- 3 Actions
- 3.1 Card
- 3.2 CardsReliability
- 3.3 ClockSet
- 3.4 ClockStarted
- 3.5 ClockStopped
- 3.6 Comment
- 3.7 CornerAwarded
- 3.8 Corner
- 3.9 CornerRisk
- 3.10 CornerRiskEnded
- 3.11 CornersReliability
- 3.12 DangerStateChanged
- 3.13 FreeKick
- 3.14 Goal
- 3.15 GoalKick
- 3.16 GoalsReliability
- 3.17 KickOff
- 3.18 Lineup
- 3.19 MatchStatusChanged
- 3.20 Offside
- 3.21 PenaltyAwarded
- 3.22 PenaltyMissed
- 3.23 PenaltyRetake
- 3.24 PenaltyRisk
- 3.25 PenaltyRiskEnded
- 3.26 PeriodChanged
- 3.27 RedCardRisk
- 3.28 RedCardRiskEnded
- 3.29 ShirtColorMajor
- 3.30 ShirtColorMinor
- 3.31 Shot
- 3.32 StoppageTime
- 3.33 Substitution
- 3.34 ThrowIn
- 3.35 Var
- 3.36 VarEnded
- 3.37 VarRisk
- 3.38 VarRiskEnded
- 3.39 YellowCardRisk
- 3.40 YellowCardRiskEnded
- 3.41 Statistics *
- 4 Other Match Events
- 4.1 Reliability
Feed Match Event
Example Ably LiveAccess URL:
Example PullAPI URL:
"sportId": 10,
"fixtureId": "9280712",
"source": "GeniusSports",
"sequenceId": 433,
"actionId": 291,
"isCancelled": false,
"isConfirmed": true,
"isModified": false,
Element | Type | Description |
| integer | Sport identifier (10 for Football) |
| string | Fixture identifier |
| string | Feed provider identifier |
| integer | Fixture specific sequence identifier of the match event |
| integer | Match action identifier |
| boolean | Indicates whether the action is cancelled |
| boolean | Indicates whether the action is confirmed |
| boolean | Indicates whether the action is modified |
| {} | Consists of Match Action data properties |
| string($date-time) | Timestamp of the message |
Every Match Event has a type inside the “action” field, named after the respective Action. Example for KickOff below, where “KickOff” is replaced for different Actions.
"action": { "$type": "Betgenius.Sports.Football.Contracts.MatchEvents.KickOffDto, Betgenius.Sports.Football.Contracts.MatchEvents"
Feed Match Action
NOTE: All Actions inside Feed Match Event include the following additional fields (hence they are not included in the description of every action).
"$type": "Betgenius.Sports.Football.Contracts.MatchEvents.CommentDto, Betgenius.Sports.Football.Contracts.MatchEvents",
"team": "Away",
"gameTime": "00:39:47",
"period": {
"number": 1,
"progressStatus": "InProgress",
"type": "Regular"
"utcTimestamp": "2022-06-01T00:00:05.35Z"
Element | Type | Description |
| string($x-extensible-enum) [ None, Home, Away ] | Team data |
| string($date-span) | Game time data |
| {} | Period in the game data |
| string($date-time) | Timestamp of the message |
| integer($int32) | Period number |
| string($x-extensible-enum) [ NotStarted, InProgress, Complete] | Period progress status |
| string($date-span) | Game time data |
NOTE: All Feed Match Actions consist of Feed Match Event + Feed Match Action + Action data properties (with some exceptions described below, marked with *)
Element | Type | Description |
| string($x-extensible-enum) [ Unknown, Yellow, SecondYellow, Red ] | Type data |
| {} | Player in card data |
| string | Unique player identifier |
| string | Player name |
Element | Type | Description |
| string($x-extensible-enum) [ Unknown, Yellow, SecondYellow, Red ] | Type data |
| boolean | Indicates whether Cards related data is reliable |
No specific properties. Sets the game clock.
No specific properties. Starts the game clock.
No specific properties. Stops the game clock.
Element | Type | Description |
| string | Text of the comment |
| integer | Message identifier |
Element | Type | Description |
| boolean | Indicates whether the corner is taken |
Element | Type | Description |
| string($date-span) | Time the corner was awarded |
No specific properties. There is a risk of a corner.
No specific properties. The corner risk is ended.
Element | Type | Description |
| boolean | Indicates whether Corners related data is reliable |
Element | Type | Description |
| string($x-extensible-enum) [ Unknown, Safe, Attack, DangerousAttack ] | Indicates the danger state of the game |
Element | Type | Description |
| string($x-extensible-enum) [ Unknown, Safe, Attack, DangerousAttack ] | Indicates the dangers state of the game when the free kick is awarded |
Element | Type | Description |
| boolean | Indicates if the goal is own goal |
| boolean | Indicates if the goal was scored from penalty |
| {} | Player that assisted for the goal (not supported) |
| string | Unique player identifier |
| string | Player name |
No specific properties. Goal kick is taken.
Element | Type | Description |
| boolean | Indicates whether Goals related data is reliable |
No specific properties. Kick-off.
Element | Type | Description |
| string | Team formation |
| Lineup array | Lineup collection for the game |
| string | Lineup unique player identifier |
| string | Lineup player’s full name |
| string | Lineup player’s first name |
| string | Lineup player’s last name |
| string($x-extensible-enum) [ Unknown, Starter, Bench, Injured, Suspended, Unavailable ] | Lineup player’s game status |
| string($x-extensible-enum) [ Unknown, GoalKeeper, Defender, Midfielder, Forward ] | Lineup player’s position |
| string | Lineup player’s shirt number |
Element | Type | Description |
| string($x-extensible-enum) [Unknown, NotStarted, Warmup, InProgress, Postponed, Finished, Interrupted, CoverageStopped, CoverageResumed, Abandoned, Cancelled, Delayed ] | Indicates the state of the game |
No specific properties. Offside.
No specific properties. Penalty as awarded.
No specific properties. Penalty is missed.
No specific properties. Penalty is/will be retaken.
No specific properties. Risk of a penalty.
No specific properties. Risk of a penalty is over.
No specific properties.
No specific properties. Risk of a red card.
No specific properties. Risk of a red card is over.
Element | Type | Description |
| string | Major shirt color |
Element | Type | Description |
| string | Minor shirt color |
Element | Type | Description |
| boolean | Indicates the shot is on target. |
| boolean | Indicates the shot hit the woodwork |
| boolean | Indicates the shot is blocked |
Element | Type | Description |
| integer | Game’s stoppage time |
Element | Type | Description |
| {} | Player being subbed out |
| {} | Player being subbed in |
| string | Unique player identifier |
| string | Player’s name |
Element | Type | Description |
| string($x-extensible-enum) [ Unknown, Safe, Attack, DangerousAttack ] | Danger state data |
Element | Type | Description |
| string($x-extensible-enum) [ NotSet, HomeGoal, HomePenalty, HomeRedCard, HomeMistakenIdentity, AwayGoal, AwayPenalty, AwayRedCard, AwayMistakenIdentity, Goal, Penalty, RedCard, MistakenIdentity, HomeUnknown, AwayUnknown, Unknown, PenaltyRetake, HomePenaltyRetake, AwayPenaltyRetake ] | Reason for initiation of VAR |
Element | Type | Description |
| string($x-extensible-enum) [ NotSet, HomeNoGoal, AwayNoGoal, NoGoal, HomeGoalAwarded, AwayGoalAwarded, GoalAwarded, HomeNoPenalty, AwayNoPenalty, NoPenalty, HomePenaltyAwarded, AwayPenaltyAwarded, PenaltyAwarded, HomeNoRedCard, AwayNoRedCard, NoRedCard, HomeRedCardGiven, AwayRedCardGiven, RedCardGiven, HomePlayerNotChanged, AwayPlayerNotChanged, PlayerNotChanged, HomePlayerChanged, AwayPlayerChanged, PlayerChanged, HomeNoAction, AwayNoAction, NoAction, HomeUnknown, AwayUnknown, Unknown, HomePenaltyWillBeRetaken, AwayPenaltyWillBeRetaken, HomeNoPenaltyRetake, AwayNoPenaltyRetake, PenaltyWillBeRetaken, NoPenaltyRetake ] | Outcome of the initiated VAR |
Element | Type | Description |
| string($x-extensible-enum) [ NotSet, HomeGoal, HomePenalty, HomeRedCard, HomeMistakenIdentity, AwayGoal, AwayPenalty, AwayRedCard, AwayMistakenIdentity, Goal, Penalty, RedCard, MistakenIdentity, HomeUnknown, AwayUnknown, Unknown, PenaltyRetake, HomePenaltyRetake, AwayPenaltyRetake ] | Potential reason for initiation of VAR |
No specific properties. Indicated the VAR risk is over.
No specific properties. Indicates there is a risk of yellow card.
No specific properties. Indicates the risk of yellow card is over.
Statistics *
Element | Type | Description |
| {} | Possession data field |
| integer | Home team possession in percentages |
| integer | Away team possession in percentages |
| string($date-time) | Timestamp of the message |
*This action contains utcTimestamp
property but does not contain team
, period
and gameTime
Other Match Events
Element | Type | Description |
| boolean | Indicates whether the feed data is considered reliable |
| string | Reason of reliable/unreliable feed state |