DataPoint | Sample |
Match Status (PreMatch, 1st Half, Half Time etc) | |
Match Clock (counts down 20:00 - 00:00 in each half) | |
Foul Count per Half for accumulated fouls only (which result in penalty shots after the 5th foul in a half) | |
Score | |
Which team is in possession of the ball (orange bar below team name) |
Match Events of a fixture
Match Event | Sample |
PreMatch Information - comments about the match starting (e.g. Players on the field, Players warming up, Game about to start) | |
KickOffs - sent at start of playing periods and once play resumes after a goal | |
Possession - indicates which team is currently in possession of the ball (attacking) | |
Goal - indicates when a goal has been scored. Goals are entered as quick as possible and confirmed (see sample 2) with a second command to mark that the referee has not disallowed the goal after it’s been scored. If a goal has been scored by the defensive team then the goal type is set as an Own Goal (see sample 2) | |
Clock - the clock stop and start is indicated in separate messages. The clock messages also currently set the match status to “Interrupted” (when clock is stopped) or “InProgress” (when clock is started). We will be removing these unnecessary status updates shortly | |
FreeKicks -the feed currently includes only direct Freekicks. Those FreeKicks appear in the feed as soon as a foul is committed and a direct Freekick is awarded (with white background in the sample). After a Freekick has been entered, it’ll be classified either as “Safe” (when there’s no threat of a goal being scored from the Freekick; with green background in the sample) or as “Dangerous” (when there’s a threat of a goal being scored from the Freekick; with red background in the sample). Once a Freekick is taken, an attack message might be displayed (if the Freekick is taken and team holds possession; with orange background in the sample) or a goal message might be displayed (if the Freekick was a shot on target which resulted in a goal; with blue background in the sample) | |
Penalty Shot - when a penalty is awarded in a match then this is indicated with a Penalty Awarded match event. The penalty can either result in a goal (see sample), penalty is missed, or penalty retaken. | & |
Team playing with a player off - this message is sent for the Home or Away team when a player has been sent off (red carded, 2nd yellow card) and the team plays with a player off (3 field players + GK instead of the regular 4 + GK). A “player on” message is sent to indicate when the team is back at playing in full numbers (4 + GK) | |
GoalKeeper out of the Goal - a separate message is sent to indicate when a goalkeeper is out of the goal and the goal is empty. This is usually when the GoalKeeper joins the attack as an extra player (in the last minute(s) of the game). A separate message will be sent to indicate when the goalkeeper has returned and the goal isn’t empty anymore |