NFL Statistics v1 Definitions
- 1 Explanation
- 2 Statistics
- 2.1 1. Drive
- 2.2 2. Efficiency
- 2.3 3. Passing
- 2.4 4. Receiving
- 2.5 5. Rushing
- 2.6 6. Touchdowns
- 2.7 7. Extra Points
- 2.8 8. Field Goals
- 2.9 9. Kickoffs
- 2.10 10. Kick Returns
- 2.11 11. Punts
- 2.12 12. Punt Returns
- 2.13 13. Interceptions
- 2.14 14. Interception Returns
- 2.15 15. Fumbles
- 2.16 16. Defense
Statistic | Availability | Description | Example | Attribution | Related Statistic |
The name of the statistic will be displayed here | At what level the statistic is available. If it is a player statistic, team statistic or both. If there is an asterisk (*) it means that the team statistic is aggregated by using related statistics | A description of the statistic | A written text example of the statistic | To what side the statistic is attributed to, attacking or defending. A (negative) stat means that is a statistic that counts against the performance of the player it was attributed to | Statistics that may be related to this one |
1. Drive
Statistic | Availability | Description | Example | Attribution | Related Statistic |
firstDowns | Team | Total amount of first downs for the attacking team | Tampa Bay had a total of 26 first downs | Attacking |
plays | Team | Total amount of plays for the attacking team | Tampa Bay had a total of 63 plays | Attacking |
offenseYards | Team | Total amount of yards gained by the attacking team | Tampa Bay gained 340 yards | Attacking |
2. Efficiency
Statistic | Availability | Description | Example | Attribution | Related Statistic |
thirdDownAttempts | Team | Total amount of times that the attacking team starts play in their 3rd down | Tampa Bay started a play in their 3rd down a total of 12 times | Attacking |
thirdDownConversions | Team | Total amount of times that the attacking team reached the 1st down line when or a Touchdown starting from their 3rd down | Tampa Bay converted from the 3rd down a total of 3 times | Attacking |
fourthDownAttempts | Team | Total amount of times that the attacking team starts play in their 4th down | Tampa Bay started a play in their 4th down a total of 2 times | Attacking |
fourthDownConversions | Team | Total amount of times that the attacking team reached the 1st down line or a Touchdown when starting from their 4th down | Tampa Bay converted from the 4th down a total of 1 time | Attacking |
3. Passing
Statistic | Availability | Description | Example | Attribution | Related Statistic |
passesSucceeded | Team / Player | Successful forward passes by attacking team/player | T. Brady successfully completed 3 passes | Attacking | Received passes |
passesAttempted | Team / Player | Forward passes attempted by attacking team/player | T. Brady attempted 10 passes | Attacking |
passesSucceededPercentage | Team / Player | Percentage of passes completed against passes attempted | T. Brady completion pass percentage is 30% | Attacking | passesCompleted, passesAttempted |
passesSucceededYards | Team / Player | Total amount of yards gained on play in successful passes | T. Brady total completed pass yards is 240 | Attacking |
passesSucceededYardsAverage | Team / Player | Average yards in successful passes | T. Brady completed pass yard average is 24 yards | Attacking | passesCompleted, passesCompletedYards |
passesRating | Player | Total Quarterback Rating, calculated via different statistics | T. Brady QBR is 31.2 | Attacking |
passesIntercepted | Team / Player | Forward passes intercepted by the defending team | T. Brady got 3 passes intercepted | Attacking (Negative) | Interceptions |
passesSacked | Team / Player | Times a quarterback was tackled or knocked out of bounds at or behind the line of scrimmage before taking an action | T. Brady got sacked 2 times | Attacking (Negative) | Sacks |
passesSackedYardsLost | Team / Player | Total number of yards lost due to quarterback being sacked. It affects team's total passing yards, but not the individual player's total passing yards | T. Brady lost 8 yards due to sacks | Attacking (Negative) |
touchdownsPassing | Team / Player | Touchdowns achieved after a successful forward pass | 3 TDs were scored after succesful passes from T. Brady | Attacking | TD Reception |
4. Receiving
Statistic | Availability | Description | Example | Attribution | Related Statistic |
receptions | Team* / Player | Successful forward passes are received by an eligible attacking player | M. Evans successfully received 2 passes | Attacking | passesCompleted for Team |
receptionsYards | Team* / Player | Total amount of yards in receptions | M. Evans received 72 yards in passes | Attacking | passesCompletedYards for Team |
receptionsYardsAverage | Team* / Player | Average yards in receptions | M. Evans average yards in receptions is 36 | Attacking | passesCompletedAverageYards for Team |
receptionsLongestDistanceYards | Player | Longest received pass by a player | M. Evans longest received pass was 36 yards | Attacking |
passesTargetedAt | Player | Total amount of times that a player was the target of a pass | M. Evans was the target of 6 passes | Attacking |
touchdownsReceptions | Team* / Player | Touchdowns scored after a reception | M. Evans scored 2 TDs after pass receptions | Attacking | TD Pass |
5. Rushing
Statistic | Availability | Description | Example | Attribution | Related Statistic |
rushes | Team / Player | Total rush attempts by an attacking player/team | L. Fournette attempted 5 rushes | Attacking |
rushesYards | Team / Player | Total net amount of yards in rushes | L. Fournette covered 50 yards via rushes | Attacking |
rushesYardsAverage | Team / Player | Average yards covered via rushes | L. Fournette average yards via rushes is 10 | Attacking | rushes, rushesYards |
rushesLongestDistanceYards | Player | Longest rush by an attacking player | L. Fournette's longest rush is 15 yards | Attacking |
rushesAttemptedInRedZone | Team | Touchdown attempts via rushing by the attacking team in the red zone (last 20 yards) | Tampa Bay attempted 3 rushes in the red zone | Attacking |
rushesCompletedInRedZone | Team | Touchdowns scored via rushing by the attacking team in the red zone (last 20 yards) | Tampa Bay scored 3 TDs via rushes in the red zone | Attacking |
touchdownsRushing | Team / Player | Touchdowns scored after a rush | L. Fournette scored 2 TDs after rushing | Attacking |
6. Touchdowns
Statistic | Availability | Description | Example | Attribution | Related Statistic |
touchdowns | Team | Total TDs scored by the team | Tampa Bay scored 4 TDs | Attacking | All TDs |
7. Extra Points
Statistic | Availability | Description | Example | Attribution | Related Statistic |
kicksAttempted | Team / Player | Extra point kicking attempts by the attacking team/player | R. Succop attempted 4 extra point kicks | Attacking |
kicksBlocked | Team / Player | Extra point kicking attempts that were blocked by the defending team | R. Succop got 2 extra point kicking attempts blocked | Attacking (Negative) |
kicksMade | Team / Player | Extra point successful conversions | R. Succop successfully converted 2 extra point kicks | Attacking |
8. Field Goals
Statistic | Availability | Description | Example | Attribution | Related Statistic |
fieldGoalsAttempts | Team / Player | Total field goal attempts by the attacking team/player | R. Succop attempted 3 field goals | Attacking |
fieldGoalsSucceeded | Team / Player | Successful field goals by the attacking team/player | R. Succop successfully scored 2 field goals | Attacking |
fieldGoalsTotalyards | Player | Total amount of yards in field goals by the attacking player | R. Succop has attempted field goals from a total of 40 yards | Attacking |
fieldGoalsMadeLongestDistanceYards | Player | Longest successful field goal | R. Succop successful field goal attempt was from 27 yards | Attacking |
9. Kickoffs
Statistic | Availability | Description | Example | Attribution | Related Statistic |
kickoffs | Team / Player | Total kickoffs by the attacking team | R. Succop has kicked off 5 times | Attacking |
kickoffKickerReturnYards | Player | Following a kick, the amount of yards the opposite team progressed forward | Following R. Succop's kick, the opposite team progressed 30 yd | Attacking (Negative) |
kickoffsTotalYards | Player | Total distance covered by a player's kicks | Ru. Succop has kicked the ball 100 yards in total | Attacking |
10. Kick Returns
Statistic | Availability | Description | Example | Attribution | Related Statistic |
kickoffsReturned | Team / Player | Total amount of times kick offs were returned by the team receiving the kick off | B. Pringle returned 3 kicks offs | Defending |
kickoffReturnsYards | Team / Player | Following catching a kick, the amount of yards the team/player progressed forward | B. Pringle progressed 75 yards after catching kick offs | Defending | kickoffKickerReturnYards |
kickoffReturnsYardsAverage | Player | Average yards progressed per kick off returned | B. Pringle's kick off return average is 25 yards | Defending |
kickoffReturnsLongestDistanceYards | Player | Longest kick off return | B. Pringle's longest kick off return is 30 yards | Defending |
touchdownsKickoffsReturns | Team / Player | Touchdowns scored after returning a kick off | Kansas City scored 2 TDs after returning kick offs | Defending |
11. Punts
Statistic | Availability | Description | Example | Attribution | Related Statistic |
punts | Team / Player | Total punts by the attacking team | B. Pinion has punted 5 times | Attacking |
puntsLongestDistanceYards | Player | Longest punt by the kicking player | B. Pinion longest punt was 40 yards | Attacking |
puntsYards | Team / Player | Total distance covered by the kicking team/player punts | B. Pinion has punted the ball 150 yards in total | Attacking |
puntReturnsYardsTotal | Team / Player | Following a punt, the amount of yards the opposite team progressed forward | Following B. Pinion's kick, the opposite team progressed 50 yd | Attacking (Negative) |
puntsYardsAverage | Team / Player | The net average (distance minus return or touchback) of a team/player punts | B. Pinion's net yards average is 38.5 | Attacking | puntsYards, puntReturnsYards, punts |
puntTouchbacks | Team / Player | The amount of times the punt landed past the opposite team's goal line | 2 of B. Pinion's punts were a touchback | Attacking (Negative) |
12. Punt Returns
Statistic | Availability | Description | Example | Attribution | Related Statistic |
puntReturns | Team / Player | Total amount of times punts were returned by the team receiving the punt | T. Hill returned 4 punts | Defending |
puntReturnsYards | Team / Player | Following catching a punt, the amount of yards the team/player progressed forward | T. Hill progressed 40 yards after catching punts | Defending | puntReturnsYardsTotal |
puntReturnsLongestDistanceYards | Player | Longest punt return | T. Hill longest pun return is 20 yards | Defending |
touchdownsPuntReturn | Team / Player | Touchdowns scored after returning a punt | T. Hill scored 1 TD after returning a punt | Defending |
13. Interceptions
Statistic | Availability | Description | Example | Attribution | Related Statistic |
interceptions | Team / Player | Total amount of times that the defending team/player intercepted a pass | D. White intercepted 3 passes | Defending | passesIntercepted |
14. Interception Returns
Statistic | Availability | Description | Example | Attribution | Related Statistic |
interceptionReturns | Team / Player | Total amount of returns following a pass interception | D. White returned 2 interceptions, managing to progress with the ball after intercepting a pass | Defending |
interceptionReturnsYards | Team / Player | Total yards advanced following a pass interception | D. White advanced 30 yards following passes he intercepted | Defending |
touchdownsInterceptionReturn | Team / Player | Touchdowns scored following a pass interception | D. White scored 1 TD following a pass interception | Defending |
15. Fumbles
Statistic | Availability | Description | Example | Attribution | Related Statistic |
fumbles | Team / Player | Times the attacking team/player fumbled, losing the possession of the ball | T. Brady fumbled 3 times, losing the possession of the ball | Attacking (Negative) |
fumblesLost | Team / Player | Times the attacking team/player fumbled and the opposite team recovered the ball | The opposite team recovered the ball after 2 T. Brady's fumbles | Attacking (Negative) |
fumblesForced | Player | number of fumbles caused by a player | D. Lawrence forced 3 fumbles with his defensive actions | Defending |
fumbleRecoveriesFromOpponents | Player | number of fumbles recovered by a defensive player | 3 of T. Brady's | Defending |
16. Defense
Statistic | Availability | Description | Example | Attribution | Related Statistic |
safeties | Team / Player | A scoring play awarded to the defending team, following different circumstances | Tampa Bay scored a safety by tacking the attacking quarterback behind the attacking team’s own endzone | Defending |
tackles | Player | The total amount of tackles by a defending player | D. White tackled a total of 12 times (8 solo, 4 assisted) | Defending | tacklesSolo |
tacklesSolo | Player | The total amount of solo tackles by a defending player | D. White did 8 solo tackles | Defending | tackles |
tacklesForLoss | Team* / Player | Tackles that caused a loss in yards for the attacking team | Kansas City was tackled for loss 2 times // D. White did 2 tackles for loss | Attacking (Team) / Defending (Player) |
tacklesForLossYards | Team* / Player | Amount of yards lost by tackles from the defensing team | Kansas City lost 8 yards when tackled for loss // D. White tackles for loss yards is 8 | Attacking (Team) / Defending (Player) |
sacks | Team* / Player | The total amount of sacks by a defending player | D. White sacked 4 times a quarterback because he could start the play | Defending | passesSacked |
sacksForLossYards | Team* / Player | Yards caused to be lost by the actions of the defending player | D. White sacks for loss yards is 16 | Defending | passesSackedYardsLost |
quarterbackHits | Player | The total amount of times a defending player tackled a QB after he was no longer in possession of the ball, and also includes plays where QB is sacked to the ground | D. White did 1 QB Hit | Defending |
passesDefended | Player | Times a player caused a pass to be incomplete or intercepted by his actions | D. White defended 3 passes, causing 3 passes to be incompleted or intercepted | Defending |
fumbleRecoveries | Player | number of own recoveries from fumbles | D. White recovered 3 fumbles after the player in possession of the ball fumble dit | Attacking/Defending |