Multisport Scoreboard


This is the Multisport Scoreboard is a unique widget that has the capability to be used in different sports.



Widget Content

The scoreboard is a component that allows us to visualize the state of the match in real-time, we can obtain information related to:

  • The scores of each team.

  • An image representing the team (shield, logo, flags, or alternative image).
    (Depending on availability, not guaranteed)

  • A venue where the match is played. (Depending on availability, not guaranteed)

  • Status of the match (pre-match, live, or post-match/final).

  • Team names, in case the team name is too large, it will be displayed in a short version.

  • Additional information, depending on the sport relevant information can be displayed.
    In football, for example, penalties are rendered as additional information.

User Interface

The scoreboard is flexible in width and height which means it can adapt to its container desktop, tablet, and mobile.

Minimum size: height: 90px; width: 370px;

Mobile view

Match States

Depending on the match state the widget displays different kinds of elements such as quarterly scores, ball possessions, timeouts, and competitor's records










Contains the followings elements:

  • Name of the competitor

  • Logo of the competitor

  • Timeouts lefts

  • Records (Wins-Losses)

Quartly score

Represents the resume by phases for each competitor

Match state

Represents the state of the match with elements as live chip, time clock, current phase and play information


Name of the match venue


The Multisport Scoreboard is capable of displaying scores for various events, depending on the availability of the Match State across the following sports covered by Genius Sport:

  • Football

  • Tennis

  • Basketball

  • Rugby

  • Ice Hockey

  • Baseball

  • American Football


For customizations there are options to change the background color, font color and font type. Customization parameters need to be provided before integration of the product.

Example of the light theme scoreboard:
Example of the dark theme scoreboard:


These are the available configuration options that can be added to the Multibet Scoreboard:

  • showTimeouts Hide/show timeout component

  • showRecords Hide/show records component

  • showQuarterlyScore Hide/show quarterly score component

  • showLogo Hide/show logo component

  • showTeamColor Hide/show team color component

  • showVenue Hide/show venue component

  • isAwayTeamFirst used for American competitions

  • showRanking Hide/show ranking component