Setting Name | Description of the Setting | Possible Setting Values | Change Requires Restart? | Feed Version |
AddHandicapToMarketNameForMarketTypes | Possibility to specify the markets that should have the handicap line included in the Market name. | True / False | No | Global |
AddMessageEventOrder | Adds an element that numerically orders messages for each event. InPlay only. | True / False | No | Global |
BasketballDetailsDisableNonSpecifiedGameActions: BasketballDetailsSendClockActions BasketballDetailsSendFreeThrowOutcomes BasketballDetailsSendPhaseChanges BasketballDetailsSendPossesionChanges BasketballDetailsSendPossessionArrowChanges BasketballDetailsSendTimeouts BasketballDetailsSendPointInfo BasketballDetailsSendFoulInfo | When enabled, allows the client to modify what datasets are included in the BasketballMatchDetails messages : Clock actions; Free throw outcomes; Phase changes; Possession changes; Possession arrow changes; Timeouts; Points data; Foul data. | True / False | No | V3 |
CompressionContentEncoding | Enable GZIP compression. | True / False | Yes | Global |
DoNotSendResultsForAbandonedMatchesForSports | Specify a list of sports where abandoned events should not receive results. | SportId | No | Global |
FootballDetailsDisableNonSpecifiedMatchActions: FootballDetailsSendGoalInfo FootballDetailsSendCardInfo FootballDetailsSendBlockedShots FootballDetailsSendBookingStateChanges FootballDetailsSendClockActions FootballDetailsSendCorners FootballDetailsSendDangerStateChanges FootballDetailsSendFouls FootballDetailsSendGoalKicks FootballDetailsSendLineupUpdates FootballDetailsSendMissedPenalties FootballDetailsSendOffsides FootballDetailsSendPenaltiesAwarded FootballDetailsSendPhaseChanges FootballDetailsSendShotsOffTarget FootballDetailsSendShotsOffWoodwork FootballDetailsSendShotsOnTarget FootballDetailsSendStoppageTimeAnnouncements FootballDetailsSendSubstitions FootballDetailsSendSystemMessages FootballDetailsSendThrowIns | When enabled, allows the client to modify what datasets are included in the FootballMatchDetails messages : Goal information; Card information; Blocked shots; Booking state changes; Clock actions; Corners; Danger State Changes; Fouls; Goal kicks; Lineup updates; Missed Penalties; Offsides; Penalties missed; Offsides; Penalties awarded; Phase changes; Shots off target; Shots off woodwork; Shots on target; Stoppage Time Announcements; Substitutions; System messages; Throw ins. | True / False | No | V3 |
IceHockeyDetailsDisableNonSpecifiedMatchActions IceHockeyDetailsSendClockActions IceHockeyDetailsSendDangerStateChanges IceHockeyDetailsSendFaceOffs IceHockeyDetailsSendGoalKeeperOnIceChanges IceHockeyDetailsSendGoals IceHockeyDetailsSendMatchStatusChanges IceHockeyDetailsSendPenalties IceHockeyDetailsSendPenaltyShotGoals IceHockeyDetailsSendPenaltyShots IceHockeyDetailsSendPenaltyShotsMissed IceHockeyDetailsSendPenaltyShotsRetaken IceHockeyDetailsSendPlayerCountChanges IceHockeyDetailsSendShotsOnTarget | When enabled, allows the client to modify what datasets are included in the IceHockeyDetails messages : Clock Actions, Danger State changes, Face Offs, Goalkeeper On Ice changes, Goal information, Match Status changes, Penalties, Penalty Shots and whether they are scored, missed or retaken, Player Count changes and Shots on Target. | True / False | No | V3 |
IncludeHandicapInSelectionNameForMarketTypes | Specify a list of markets where the handicap line should be included in selection names. | MarketTypeId | No | Global |
InvertHandicapInSelectionName | Be default when formatting the handicap in the selection name, we use the inverted handicap for the Away selection name. When this setting is 'True' we will use the inverted handicap for the Home selection instead, correlating to the convention where a positive handicap indicates the away team is the favourite | True / False | No | Global |
SendFootballDetailsMatchActionTimestamp | Whether or not to send an exact UTC time stamp for each match action in football Details messages. Refers to "V3EnableFootballMatchDetails" | True / False | No | Global |
SendFullDetailsMessageSeconds | If "BasketballDetailsDisableNonSpecifiedGameActions" and/or "FootballDetailsDisableNonSpecifiedMatchActions" is enabled, send a full (not trimmed) Details message every X seconds. | True / False | No | Global |
EventNameFormat | A global setting to have the desired event name format, for example {homeTeam} v {awayTeam}. Possible to further specify the event name formats for InPlay/PreMatch tennis, badminton, served sports event names. | {homeTeam} v {awayTeam} | No | Global |
HeartbeatMillis | The frequency of the Heartbeat messages that are sent to the customers Trading Platform. | Milliseconds | No | Global |
DecimalPlacesForPrices | If set, the decimal prices sent to the customer will be set to this number of decimal places (rounding up) | Numerical value | No | Global |
UseFloatingConsensusHandicapForInplaySports UseFloatingConsensusHandicapForPrematchSports | Use a single market instance with the handicap line being updated when consensus moves. Applicable if only a single consensus line is used. | SportId | Yes | Global |
AddFixtureSportProperties | Whether or not to include "FootballProperties", "TennisProperties" and "BasketballProperties" in fixture messages. Please refer to the relevant confluence page. | True / False | No | V3 |
AddScoreToResultForInPlayMarkets AddScoreToResultForPreMatchMarkets | Whether or not to include the score used for resulting in the Resulting messages in the InPlay / PreMatch events. Please refer to the relevant Confluence page. | True / False | No | V3 |
UseJson | Whether or not to send messages as JSON (XML by default). | True / False | Yes | V3 |
ReResult | If enabled, updated results will be sent on to the customer. When disabled only the first result received for a market will be sent. Please refer to the linked documentation for further information | True / False | No | V3 |
RemoveUnchangedSelections | Whether or not to include unchanged selections in market updates. | True / False | No | Global |
OmitXmlWhitespace | Whether or not to strip out whitespace in messages. This applies to both XML and JSON. | True / False | No | Global |
DoNotInsertUnpricedMarkets | If True, unpriced markets will not be setn to the customer. The market will be inserted later, once prices are available - unless the market becomes void. | True / False | No | Global |
V3IncludeCoverage | If True, Coverage message type will be sent to the customer. Coverage message type is described here. Default is True. | True / False | Yes | V3 |
V3SendProbabilities | Include probabilities of individual outcomes in selections for V3 customers where these probabilities are available. | True / False | No | V3 |
HttpContentType | Set the HTTP ContentType header to a custom value. If it is not set, the default value will be used ("application/json" or "text/xml"). | Content-type | Yes | V3 |
UseUniqueIdsForSequencedMarkets | Set all marketIDs to be unique, between different products like Prematch and Inplay and generate unique IDs per sequence of a market type. This feature is not used by default. | True / False | Yes | Global |
MaintainIdsForTransitionedMarkets | Keeps the same market id for transitioning from PreMatch to InPlay, however other sequences for the same market will be created with unique ID. This feature is not used by default. | True / False | Yes | Global |