Re-Resulting / Resettlement

Re-Resulting / Resettlement

Genius Sports supports Re-Resulting of the markets, for the following products:

  • Betbuilder
  • Multibet


Requirements for the Re-Resulting data for customers wishing to integrate the Resettlement feature:

  • Re-Resulting is only supported for customers using the latest V3 Integration Schema
  • Customer's Trading Platform is required to allow Genius Sports to update the result of the markets multiple times

Note: Download the latest Schema files here.

Feature workflow

  1. Genius Sports Integration Service POST-s ResultSet for all betslips/markets at the end of the match

    • ResultSet example:

      Initial resultSet
      	"Header": {
      		"MessageGuid": "ee2f09de-d1a1-4f8d-8a5f-353590da6fd6",
      		"TimeStampUtc": "2018-03-20T09:44:15.5315124Z",
      		"Retry": 0
      	"ResultSet": {
      		"FixtureId": 5199474,
      		"Results": [
      				"MarketId": 102450896,
      				"MarketSequence": 0,
      				"Results": [
      						"SelectionId": 307479579,
      						"ResultStatus": "Loser"
      						"SelectionId": 307479580,
      						"ResultStatus": "Loser"
      						"SelectionId": 307479581,
      						"ResultStatus": "Winner"
  2. Genius Sports or any of our feed providers identify a mistake within the match data or a resulting error is reported by the customer
    • Re-Resulting is supported by Sportcast (Betbuilder)
  3. Match State/Resulting information is then updated by the relevant provider
  4. Genius Sports will receive the newly published result and will push a new ResultSet to the customer trading platform endpoint for all betslips/markets with the re-resulting flag "IsReResult" included

ResultSet for Re-Resulted market example:

Re-Result resultSet
    "MessageGuid": "5703c639-b7fa-417a-9213-68ca7b2acc0c",
    "TimeStampUtc": "2022-06-08T03:20:07.8133827Z",
    "Retry": 0
  "ResultSet": {
    "FixtureId": 9307343,
    "Results": [
        "MarketId": 103392009,
        "Results": [
            "SelectionId": 303392008,
            "ResultStatus": "Winner"
        "IsReResult": true

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