Setting Name | Description of the Setting | Possible Setting Values | Change Requires Restart? | Feed Version |
AddHandicapToMarketNameForMarketTypes | Possibility to specify the markets that should have the handicap line included in the Market name. | True / False | No | Global |
AddMessageEventOrder | Adds an element that numerically orders messages for each event. InPlay only. | True / False | No | Global |
BasketballDetailsDisableNonSpecifiedGameActions: BasketballDetailsSendClockActions BasketballDetailsSendFreeThrowOutcomes BasketballDetailsSendPhaseChanges BasketballDetailsSendPossesionChanges BasketballDetailsSendPossessionArrowChanges BasketballDetailsSendTimeouts BasketballDetailsSendPointInfo BasketballDetailsSendFoulInfo | When enabled, allows the client to modify what datasets are included in the BasketballMatchDetails messages : Clock actions; Free throw outcomes; Phase changes; Possession changes; Possession arrow changes; Timeouts; Points data; Foul data. | True / False | No | V3 |
CompressionContentEncoding | Enable GZIP compression. | True / False | Yes | Global |
DoNotSendResultsForAbandonedMatchesForSports | Specify a list of sports where abandoned events should not receive results. | SportId | No | Global |
FootballDetailsDisableNonSpecifiedMatchActions: FootballDetailsSendGoalInfo FootballDetailsSendCardInfo FootballDetailsSendBlockedShots FootballDetailsSendBookingStateChanges FootballDetailsSendClockActions FootballDetailsSendCorners FootballDetailsSendDangerStateChanges FootballDetailsSendFouls FootballDetailsSendGoalKicks FootballDetailsSendLineupUpdates FootballDetailsSendMissedPenalties FootballDetailsSendOffsides FootballDetailsSendPenaltiesAwarded FootballDetailsSendPhaseChanges FootballDetailsSendShotsOffTarget FootballDetailsSendShotsOffWoodwork FootballDetailsSendShotsOnTarget FootballDetailsSendStoppageTimeAnnouncements FootballDetailsSendSubstitions FootballDetailsSendSystemMessages FootballDetailsSendThrowIns | When enabled, allows the client to modify what datasets are included in the FootballMatchDetails messages : Goal information; Card information; Blocked shots; Booking state changes; Clock actions; Corners; Danger State Changes; Fouls; Goal kicks; Lineup updates; Missed Penalties; Offsides; Penalties missed; Offsides; Penalties awarded; Phase changes; Shots off target; Shots off woodwork; Shots on target; Stoppage Time Announcements; Substitutions; System messages; Throw ins. | True / False | No | V3 |
IncludeHandicapInSelectionNameForMarketTypes | Specify a list of markets where the handicap line should be included in selection names. | MarketTypeId | No | Global |
SendFootballDetailsMatchActionTimestamp | Whether or not to send an exact UTC time stamp for each match action in football Details messages. Refers to "V3EnableFootballMatchDetails" | True / False | No | Global |
SendFullDetailsMessageSeconds | If "BasketballDetailsDisableNonSpecifiedGameActions" and/or "FootballDetailsDisableNonSpecifiedMatchActions" is enabled, send a full (not trimmed) Details message every X seconds. | True / False | No | Global |
EventNameFormat | A global setting to have the desired event name format, for example {homeTeam} v {awayTeam}. Possible to further specify the event name formats for InPlay/PreMatch tennis, badminton, served sports event names. | {homeTeam} v {awayTeam} | No | Global |
HeartbeatMillis | The frequency of the Heartbeat messages that are sent to the customers Trading Platform. | Milliseconds | No | Global |
DecimalPlacesForPrices | If set, the decimal prices sent to the customer will be set to this number of decimal places (rounding up) | Numerical value | No | Global |
UseFloatingConsensusHandicapForInplaySports UseFloatingConsensusHandicapForPrematchSports | Use a single market instance with the handicap line being updated when consensus moves. Applicable if only a single consensus line is used. | SportId | Yes | Global |
V3AddFixtureSportProperties | Whether or not to include "FootballProperties", "TennisProperties" and "BasketballProperties" in fixture messages. Please refer to the relevant confluence page. | True / False | No | V3 |
V3AddScoreToResultForInPlayMarkets V3AddScoreToResultForPreMatchMarkets | Whether or not to include the score used for resulting in the Resulting messages in the InPlay / PreMatch events. Please refer to the relevant Confluence page. | True / False | No | V3 |
V3UseJson | Whether or not to send messages as JSON (XML by default). | True / False | Yes | V3 |
ReResult | If enabled, updated results will be sent on to the customer. When disabled only the first result received for a market will be sent. Please refer to the linked documentation for further information | True / False | No | V3 |